Building remotely controlled airliner model planes since 1971 I started with a 1/23th scale Vickers Super VC-10 and a 1/13th scale Fokker F-28. Both planes were built using foam and balsa only. They were powered by two .40 glow engines each.



It became clear that a common scale would give a better look when a number of these planes were standing side by side. Choosing an 1/16th scale made it possible to build most of those days’ airliners at reasonable sizes. After my first planes I knew that the nose and tail cone of the fuselage were very difficult to build so I decided to make molds. These devices could now manufactured much easier as fibreglass parts. For the engine nacelles and the vertical stabilizer I made molds too. The center fuselage can easily be built with foam and balsa giving a much lighter structure than a full fibreglass fuselage. Wings and horizontal stabilizer were also built with foam/balsa.


Those fibreglass parts were (illustrated by DC-10 / MD-11):




 Nose section of the fuselage        Tail section of the fuselage with                                     Engine nacelles

                                                                         vertical stabilizer




From early on other modellers were interested in building these airliner models. With these now not longer available fibreglass parts and a small drawing they were able to build their own models. All templates necessary for hotwiring the foam cores were shown on these drawings so it was possible to hotwire these cores by yourself. In the net one could also find some suppliers for custom-made foam cores of centre fuselage, wings and horizontal stabilizer. Retractable landing gears for these airliners were for many years produced by Hawe-Modelltechnik. Of course building and flying of this kind of model aircraft required a well-experienced pilot.


In the beginning all models were designed to use glow engines with propellers but now all of them could also be equipped with ducted fans (electric or glow engine) or turbines.


During the last decades a large number of 1/16th scale airliners has been built not only by me but also by many other modellers. The following pages show some of these planes. For the quality of the pictures please keep in mind that I had to scan photographs aged up to 40 years.


For the build of these planes there are “Basic Instructions” on each of the following sites. Click on the image to enlarge it. Drawings of all templates for cutting the foam cores of centre fuselage, wings and horizontal stabilizer came with the fibreglass parts.



Airbus:                                A300          A310          A320          A330          A340


Boeing:                                707           720B            727            737             747            757


Ilyushin:                              IL-62


McDonnell Douglas:         DC-8         DC-9         DC-10        MD-80        MD-11


Sud Aviation:                     Caravelle


Tupolev:                              154




Buildlogs (Turbine):        A340     B727     MD-11  


Buildlogs (EDF):               B707     B737     Caravelle   








Airliner-related links:      Facebook/AirlinerRC

                                            Adi Pitz





